Red + Blood Edition

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Demonia English and german audio : In southeast Sicily, a team of archaeologists investagate the ruins of a crypt where heretic nuns had been stoned and crucified by the village people in the 16th century. Soon strange things begin to happen, and Liza, one of the team members, starts to have surreal dreams about the nuns. Then the graphic violence begins, starting with a decapitaion! The answers lie in the ancient crypt of the nuns... 7.99
The Black Cat English and german audio : Robert Miles is a psychic that can communicate with the dead. He also has the ability to control the mind of his cat (who incidentally is black). He uses the cat to take vengeance upon his enemies. A photographer who happen to be working for the local constables begins to notice cat scratches on some of the accident victims that are turning up. She pays a visit to Magee (kitty just happens to be present) and conveys her suspicions of the cat's involvement in some of the local deaths. Kitty doesn't like this at all, and it's his turn to control the mind of owner Magee to take it's vengeance out. 7.99
Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetery Man) English and German Audio , This movie is based on a novel of Tiziano Sclavi, and it always reflects the "sclavian philosophy" diffused by the most succesful comics in Italy: Dylan Dog, the detective of the nightmare. There is the duality between love and dead (in Italian "dellamore" means "of love" and "dellamorte" means "of death"), a duality that Dellamorte feels in a really hard way. He is the guardian of the cemetery of Buffalora, a little town in the north of Italy, in which, we don't know why, corpses rise from tombs and Dellamorte has to destroy them. Dellamorte seems not to ask to himself why this happen, he shoots and loves. But at the end he wants to leave Buffalora... 9.99
Hellraiser 3 - Hell on Earth English and German Audio , Hell is about to be unleashed again. Reporter Joey Summerskill ('Terri Farrell') slowly begins to learn about the mysterious puzzle box, the unbearable pain opening it can bring, and Pinhead ('Doug Bradley'), the Black Pope of Hell, after viewing a young teenage club-goer get ripped apart by the box's chains in an ER room. She tracks the box and a young woman named Terri ('Paula Marshall') down to a famous club called the Boiler Room, owned by the spoiled playboy J.P. ('Kevin Bernhardt'), who feeds Pinhead, trapped in a marble pillar, blood from club members so he can escape from his prison. As time runs out, Joey must think of a way to bring Pinhead and his newly-created Cenobites back to the realm of Pinhead's human self or succumb to an eternity of pain and suffering. 9.99
Meet the Feebles English and German Audio , Heidi, the star of the "Meet The Feebles Variety Hour" discovers her lover Bletch, The Walrus, is cheating on her, and with all the world waiting for the show the assorted co-stars must contend with their own problems. These include drug addiction, extortion, robbery, disease, Drug dealing, and even murder. While this is happening the love between two of the stars is threatened by the devious Trevor the Rat, who wishes to exploit the young starlet for use in his porno movie business. 7.99
X-TRO Ca. 86 Minutes , English and German Audio , Tony's father Sam, abducted by aliens three years earlier, returns to earth and seeks out his wife and son, but Rachel has since been living with Joe and the reunion is awkward. Joe doesn't trust Sam, and Rachel can't quite decide what her feelings are for her two men. Sam is not the same as when he left, and he begins affecting Tony in frightening ways. 12.97
Vampire Journals English and German Audio , A 19th century vampire stalks a more powerful vampire lord in his quest to gain revenge over the death of his mistress. In his search for the vampire lord in Eastern Europe he kills many of his servants and fellow vampires while cursing another to vampirism as well. 7.99
Hardware - M.A.R.K.13 English and German Audio , In the future, a nuclear war has transformed the Earth into a radioactive wasteland where the sea has dried up leaving it as a post-apocalyptic desert. In the desert, A desert scavenger named Nomad discovers a robotic head, arriving in New York City, A space marine named Moses Baxter buys the robotic head from Nomad as a Christmas present for his girlfriend Jill Grakowski, who decides to use it for one of her sculptures. But all hell starts breaking loose, when the robotic head is activated and begins to rebuilt itself. When Alvy, a junkyard dealer discover the robotic head is a Mark 13, a military cyborg of a project that was abandoned. Moses learns Jill's life is in danger, as the Mark 13 cyborg goes on a violent rampage in Jill's apartment as Jill has become the the prime target for extermination. 9.99
Frozen Scream English Audio , Mad scientists turn people into frozen zombies and the zombies wreak havoc and kill people. 6.49